a) These terms and conditions shall govern the sole and hire of all equipment and services provided by
XtreamInternet Installation Services, with a business address at Phase-1, Block-6, Lot-16, Advent Homes,
Ayala,ZamboangaCity,hereinafter referred toasthe“Provider”.
b) ThepartywithwhomXtreamshallenterintothisagreement shallhereinafterreferredtoasthe“Subscriber”.
• The service subscription for Xtream Fiber Internet service shall be 30 days starting from service
activationdateand will be renewed automatically on a monthlybasis.
Service Availability
a) ServiceisavailablewithinXtreamFTTHcoverage.
b) Xtream cannot guarantee the accuracy of Internet speed all the time because of technical barriers, natural
oroperationalimpacts on its network.
Subscription or Renewal Start
• Subscription starts from the day the Subscriber activates or renews his service successfully. AutomaticRenewal
shall be applied unless otherwise the Subscriber notifies Xtream for thecancellationofthe service
atleast3daysbefore thesubscription expires.
Temporary Suspension
a) Subscribercan request tostopthe servicetemporarilybycalling Xtream’scontactnumber.
b) ONT Modem: In order to subscribe to Xtream Fiber Internet, the Subscriber must have the Xtream fibernetwork
to his/her home and an Optical Network Terminal (ONT) installed and activated inside the premises.The ONT modem
is provided as part of the installation fees when the Subscriber visits the Xtream’s Office orsubscribeto the
c) The ONT modem device is under the manufacturer’s warranty for one (1) month starting from the
serviceactivation. In case the device is malfunctioning due to manufacturer defect, it will be replaced free of
chargeduringthewarranty period. Liquidor physicaldamageis not coveredbythemanufacturer’swarranty.
d) In case the device is malfunctioning due to customer misuse or negligence, the Subscriber shall pay
e) In case the device is malfunctioning as a result of unstable power supply, brownouts, fluctuations, and
othercircumstance cannot be controlled by the Provider, the Subscriber should, willfully and voluntarily replace
themodem at his/her own expense. Xtream will therefore install and reconnect the Subscriber’s connection freeof
Eligibility and Required Documents
Any subscriber is eligible to get the service as long as he/she is within the coverage of Xtream’s FTTH
network.Subscribermustprovide thefollowing:
1) ValidID
2) FullyaccomplishedXtreamServiceAgreementForm(thisform)
Service Request:
1) Subscriber can request the service by calling Xtream’ s contact number, sending email to Xtream’s
officialemailaddress,or visiting theXtream’s office.
outsideofworking hoursshallbe served thenextworking day.
Installation Rules
1) TheSubscribermust bepresentatthetimeoftheinstallation,oranyoneappointedbytheSubscriber.
2) Incasethesubscriptionagreementhasnotbeensigned,theSubscribermustbepresentandsigntheAgreement before the
3) Xtream’sinstallationteamvisitstheSubscriber’spremisesattheconfirmedappointmenttimetoinstallcabling,sockets
and all required equipment.The Subscriberisadvised on theproper usage.
4) TheinstallationteamshallconnecttheONT modemdevice.
5) TheinstallationteamshallconfiguretheONTmodemdevice.
6) Attheendoftheinstallation,theSubscriberorhis/herrepresentativeisrequiredtosignacceptanceor confirm
Packagechange, ServiceRelocation, and Early Termination
• IftheSubscriberwouldlike tochangethepackage/orthespeedorbothpackageand thespeed penaltyfeescan apply based on
his remainingcommitmentorrequired change.
• SubscribercanrequesttorelocatehisservicewithintheXtream’sFTTHcoverage.TheSubscribershallbechargedfor any
additional costs required forthe relocation.
• If theSubscriberwouldliketostoptheservicebeforetheexpiryof theagreement(earlytermination),penaltycanapply
based on his remaining commitment.
Monthly Payment/Bill Due
• Monthly Subscriptionfeewillbedueonafter every days days from the activation date.
• Subscribershallreceiveanotificationthrough SMS/Emailonce thebillisduefor payment.
• Subscribershallgettheservice backonce payment ismade.
• NocompensationshallbegrantedforthedaysthattheSubscriberdoesnotgettheserviceduetonon-paymentcases.
• If Subscriber fails to pay his bill within the specified period, Xtream may temporarily suspend service to
theSubscriber, without prejudice to Xtream’s rights to recover any amount which may be due at the time
ofsuspensionor which may accrue during the timeofsuspension.
• IfSubscriberdoesnotpaythebillafterfinalnotification,hisservicewillbeterminatedandhewillberequestedtopay all
due amounts,including early termination feeswhen applicable.
• Thebillshallbefinal andconclusiveevidencefor theamountsduebytheSubscriber.
• TheSubscribershouldpayhisdue billnot laterthan3 daysfromthebilldue date.
• On the tenth (10th) day from the bill issuance date, the service will be suspended until the subscriber
payhisdue bill amount.
• On the fourteenth (14th) day from the bill issuance date, and if the Subscriber did not pay the due bill
amount,hisinternet servicewill betemporarily disconnected.
• Xtream has the right to change the above policy from time to time and should inform the Subscriber on
thechangesthirty (30) daysbefore applying it.
Termination of the Service
ThisAgreement shallbeterminatedduetothefollowingreasons:
• Unauthorized selling of the internet service
• Subscriberdidnot maketheneeded payment
• Xtreamrequest: Duetoany breachofXtream’stermsandconditionsof service bytheSubscriber
• Subscriberrequest, earlytermination(feesmight apply)
• Xtream reserves the right to terminate this Agreement in part or in whole or any service provided under it
atany time in case of technical obstacles preventing Xtream from providing the service during the
than 30 daysfromthe Agreementtermination.
• Xtream shall be liable or responsible to Subscriber for any violation or breach resulting out or in
connectionwith such termination. Moreover, Xtream will not undertake to pay any losses, expenses or
compensationclaimsraised by the subscriberregarding this termination.
Access and Leave
It is required for the provisioning and maintenance of Xtream services that the Subscriber shall allow access at
allreasonable times to Xtream employees in the execution of their duty for the purpose of maintaining,
inspecting, orrecoveringtools and equipment.
Xtream reserves the right to provide its services as per the applicable law and Xtream Terms and
requestedbeforeservice isprovided/disconnectedforlate payment of Subscriberdues.
Disconnection and Claiming Compensation
Xtream reserves the right to claim compensation and/or disconnect all services to the Subscriber if the
1) Delay payment of Xtream charges in respect of any or all service Agreements with Xtream. Failure
toreceivebill does notconstitute avalid reason fornon-payment.
2) Play, tamper with, or open any Xtream equipment or any internal circuit or other component of suchequipment.
3) WithoutfirstobtainingXtream’spermissionorauthority,interferewithXtreamequipment orcauseorpermitany attachment
to be made to, or anything to be placed in electrical contact with, or to be used in such amanner or position in
relation to Xtream equipment that transmits messages or other communications to orfromsuch equipment.
4) Use of profane language or fraudulently or maliciously use the telecommunication system in a
mannerprohibitedby law.
5) UnreasonablymonopolizeXtream’slinesandfacilities.
6) IntheopinionofXtream,commit anybreachof these“TermsandConditions”
Fault Reporting
Responsibility for the reporting of faulty operation of the equipment rests with the Subscriber. Except for
non-Xtreamequipment, theSubscribershallnotattempttorepairormodifytheequipment, norpermitathirdpartyto doso.
a) Limitations of Xtream’s liability: Xtream shall not be liable to the Subscriber in damages or otherwise,
forany delay in providing or restoring the services, or for the loss or damage occasioned by the total or
partialinterruption or disconnection or service. No abatement shall be made from the rental reason of
whatevercause unless the service was totally unserviceable for a continuous period of not less than one
calendarmonth. However, Xtream shall, under no circumstances, be liable for any loss of profit or income or for
anyotherindirector consequential loss or damage.
b) TheSubscriber’sliabilityforequipment:Subscribershallbeliableforthecostofanycallsmadeorotheruseof the
equipment whether with or without his/her knowledge or permission and are liable for the loss ordamage to
Xtream’s equipment hired by him/her. The Subscriber shall pay to Xtream on demand, theamount ofdamage,beyondfair
wearand tear,tothe equipment.
c) Notwithstanding the above and without prejudice to any further claim by Xtream, if any equipment
shallsufferanyfault ordamageasaresultofanyactoromissioncommittedincontraventionthisAgreement,theSubscriber shall
pay to Xtream double the cost of repairs of such equipment and shall undertake not tohandle to mishandle or
abuse the equipment any further. Xtream shall be bound to repair the equipmentuntilthis Agreementisfully
satisfied bythe Subscriber.
d) Subscriber’sliabilityfordamagecausedbyattachments:TheSubscriberofthisserviceshallbeliableforanyloss or damage
to the Xtream’s network resulting from the use of any equipment/products which are non-type approved by Xtream
without prejudice to the right of Xtream to initiate legal action against suchsubscriber. This statement shall
not be interrupted to indicate Xtream acceptance of the use of non-typeapprovedproducts/equipment.
Responsibility for Death and Injury
Xtream shall not be responsible for any death and/or injury to any person howsoever arising from the operation
any death and/or injuryorloss and/or damage to property.
Cancellation of Service Order
If the Subscriber cancels his service order, Xtream may charge cancellation fees. Xtream reserves the right to
rejectany subscription or access to any of the services available if it finds out that information provided by
the Subscriber
Suggestions from Subscribers
Xtream welcomes suggestions from Subscribers that are related to introduction/development of service etc. However, Subscribers shall be fully responsible for the genuineness of these suggestions. Xtream does not assure adoption/enforcement
of suggestions, nor does it pay any specific amount against enforcement of any suggestion(unless this is
mutually sand specifically agreed upon). Xtream shall be held responsible towards any third party foranyclaims
arising outof anysuggestions introduced or implementedatanytime.
• Xtream reserves the right to change, amend or reproduce these Terms and Conditions from time to time as
itmaysee it.
• Any such change, amendment or reproduction shall immediately be binding on the Subscriber from the dateonwhich
itis issued by Xtream.
Terms and Conditions Related to Regulators
Subscriber has been informed that the subscription with its related terms and conditions as per this Agreement clauses are subject to related local regulators of the Republic of the Philippines, including DICT (Department of Information and Communication
Technology) and the National Telecommunication Commission (NTC). Those regulators have the rightto modify these
Terms and Conditions at any time. Accordingly, the Subscriber commits to adhere to all the terms andconditions
imposed by related regulators and any modifications on those terms that will be imposed by the
companyand/oranyrelatedlocalorgovernment regulatorafterbeinginformedof thoseupdatedtermsandendorsing it.
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